


发布日期: 2023-09-05 浏览次数: 799


本项目为国际组织实习项目。国际统一私法协会(International Institute for the Unification of Private Law, UNIDROIT) 是专门从事私法统一的政府间国际组织,成立于1926年,总部设在意大利的罗马,宗旨是统一和协调不同国家和国际区域之间的私法规则。国际统一私法协会我校订立合作备忘录,接受经我校选拔推荐的实习生。





申请人须为我校非毕业年级在读学生,专业方向为国际法、民商法的申请人优先。除提交相应申请材料外,申请人须在报名链接“附件-其他”栏目提不少于500cover letter具体要求见附件申请人可以同时提交推荐信(非必交)。









附 1:2024 年国际统一私法协会实习项目信息


The International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT) Scholarship, Internship and Research Programme is currently accepting applications for internships to be undertaken in 2024.

UNIDROIT is offering internship opportunities for exceptional later year undergraduate and postgraduate law students to work with the UNIDROIT Secretariat for a period of three months. During their internship, interns will work on a variety of matters, including conducting legal research on specific aspects of the assigned subject and the preparation of concept notes, draft documents, reports and translations. While majority of the internship positions are unpaid, a limited number of stipends (600€ per month) may be made available for the top candidates, with preference given to applicants from developing countries. Candidates must be able to speak and write English and/or French to a professional legal standard.

Internships are to be undertaken in-person at the UNIDROIT Headquarters in Rome, Italy.

Research areas

Candidates may apply for internships in relation to any of UNIDROIT’s work areas, existing instruments or current projects. During their internship, interns will be supervised by a UNIDROIT Officer with responsibility for the relevant work area, instrument or project.

To support the UNIDROIT 2023 – 2025 Work Programme, special consideration will be given to applications for internships on the following topics (candidates may indicate their interest in working on matters related to more than one work area or project):

1. Access to credit (Cape Town Convention and the MAC, Rail and Space Protocols, Model Law on Factoring, Model Law on Warehouse Receipts)

2. International commercial contracts (Investment Contracts, UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts)

3. Private law and agricultural development (Legal Structure of Agricultural Enterprises, Legal Guide on Agricultural Land Investment Contracts, Legal Guide on Contract Farming)

4. Law and technology (Digital Assets and Private Law)

5. Capital markets and financial law (Bank Insolvency)

6. Transnational civil procedure (Best practices for Effective Enforcement)

7. Cultural property (1995 UNIDROIT Convention, Private Art Collections)

8. Sustainable development (Legal nature of Voluntary Carbon Credits, Corporate sustainability due diligence in global value chains)

Application process

Interns are selected on a competitive basis and positions are limited.

As part of their online application, candidates will be required to upload their Curriculum Vitae (CV) (mandatory) and supporting reference letters (optional) as one PDF/word document.

Please also provide a short cover letter (maximum 500 words) that addresses:

(i) why the applicant wants to undertake an internship at UNIDROIT,

(ii) details how their educational and/or professional experiences would allow the applicant to contribute to the work of UNIDROIT, and

(iii) specifies the UNIDROIT project(s) and instrument(s) that the applicant wishes to work on and why.

Candidates will be assessed on their online application, CV and their English/French

proficiency, taking into account the needs of the Institute.

